The quilt measures approximately 165cm square (65") and features Amy Butler Daisy Chain and Midwest Modern fabrics in greens and blues. The binding is a combination of Kaleidescope, Honeycombe and Wildflowers fabrics....all used in the top. I don't know the brand of the fabric used in the back but it is the most glorious shade of duck egg blue and sits beautifully between the green, blue and white.
This quilt was easy to make but my proscrastination has impacted my love for it. Don't get me's lovely and fresh.....I just don't love it. But that's a good thing when you have to give them away. So onto the next one.....maybe the one that's in my head based on the leftover blue backing....I'm thinking duck egg blue and chocolate and it might be for me....someday!
Sighhhhhh!!! It is so gorgeous - I want one!!!