Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bookweek bonanza.....

Bookweek has come early to L's school to coincide with a visiting author and a bunch of other celebratory activities this week. Normally it would be in a few week's time. The Bookweek theme is Safari and L went as Indiana Jones. We had the costume left over from R's Bookweek last year but at the last minute she got sick and didn't end up wearing it. I think it might be worn out soon, he wore it all last night and I don't see it coming off in a hurry!


  1. Is that a coat of H's I see??? looks very cool - maybe we can borrow it back for H's bookweek in a few weeks time!!!!

  2. YES IT IS! How perfect is it? And everyone commented on how great that coat looked. Hope he can squeeze back into it!
