Thursday, December 2, 2010

Year 7 Graduation....

I've just come from R's Year 7 Graduation.
The school does a lovely job presenting the girls, thanking them for their achievements during the year and wishing them well for high school.
The highlight of the ceremony is the projection of their first year of school Reception photo as they accept their graduation certificates. I had tears in my eyes as I witnessed the 'befores' and 'afters' and how much these little girls have grown into little ladies in 8 short years. It's the same face however less rounded and certainly more mature.
So from this.....
to this....

Well done R. Let's hope high school is as rewarding as primary school has been.


  1. Oh, I still have that first photo of R up by my desk at work. I just love it and I think of her everyday. Congratulations R!

  2. Aw, shucks. That's just wonderful. . . Applause and accolades for Ruby.
