My favourite is this one that features a Kaffe Fasset print. I don't remember the name....actually I'm not sure if I ever knew it! I bought it from Patchwork on Central Park back in March and I'd have to say that I was a bit reluctant because it had purple in it (I'm just not a purple person). But the girls won me over and it's now one of my all-time faves. I love it in both quilts I've used it in. So now that the top is done I need to think about the back. I have so many little 2 1/2" squares left there is a definite chance of incorporating a few strips into the back. So it's off to the cupboard for me to see what else is there!
Friday, August 21, 2009
My one-a-day 9 patch quilt top is finished....finally. (Sorry about the skew-wiff photo but it was late at night and I couldn't hang it on the clothesline in the dark!) I know I was well in front of round 2's proposed schedule having completed my patches fairly quickly. And I know that Amanda Jean had instructed us to pin and pin and pin and pin some more which is a fair indication of the time it takes to attach the plethora of sashing but I reckon this blighter has taken me over a week (maybe even 2 weeks!) to put together. Of course that's in between work, family, machine quilting sessions, homework, appointments and stuff. Phew! I'm really pleased with how the top has come together. The pin and pin and pin some more instruction really does help with lining things up which is the real beauty of this quilt. You also need to do a bit of slight stretching and wriggling to match the seams as best you can. This quilt is definitely a test for 1/4" seam accuracy and not for the faint hearted! It's also lovely to see all the fabrics used and remember where you've used them before (if they're scraps) or where you bought them from (if they're stash).
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